Powell County Medical Foundation, founded in 1986, is a nonprofit charitable organization. It exists for the purpose of assuring the long-term viability of high quality medical care for the residents of Powell County and many surrounding areas.
Powell County Medical Foundation’s Board of Directors work throughout the year to host fundraisers and obtain grant funding to financially support health related organizations and programs throughout our community.
Powell County Medical Foundation’s volunteer Board of Directors includes community members, Deer Lodge Medical Center’s hospital administrator, and a physician.
Caring for the Community
Caring for the residents of Powell County by ensuring that their present and future health care needs are met is the goal of the Powell County Medical Foundation.
Each year, the Powell County Medical Foundation funds the ImPact Concussion Testing program for junior high and high school athletes in Deer Lodge and a bike helmet safety program, as well as purchase several pieces of equipment for Deer Lodge Medical Center.
The ImPact Concussion Testing program is a test that is used to determine the degree of impairment suffered due to a concussion. It also gives healthcare providers another tool to help determine when it is safe for an athlete to return to a sport after a concussion. With support from the foundation and DLMC, all junior high and high school students are provided the tests free of charge.
In the past four years, the Powell County Medical Foundation has donated over $180,000 towards medical equipment for DLMC, health related programs in Powell County, and donated towards the building of the Deer Lodge Community Playground on the DLMC campus. The PCMF recently purchased a new DEXA machine for the Deer Lodge Medical Center Imaging Department. The DEXA machine measures bone density, pinpoints fractures, identifies aortic calcifications, and measures body composition. These equipment purchases help to ensure our community members are able to receive the highest quality care here at home, rather than having to travel many miles to hospitals in neighboring towns.
Showing You Care
Powell County Medical Foundation offers you the opportunity to financially support healthcare services in our community. The ultimate recipient of your gift could be a member of your family, a close friend or a neighbor receiving care and services within Powell County.
When you donate to the Powell County Medical Foundation, you will be showing that you care about the future of healthcare in our community. One hundred percent of all donations will go to meet healthcare needs locally.
Each funding request is carefully considered and well planned. You can support the Powell County Medical Foundation in full confidence knowing that your donation will be fully repaid in civic growth and improved health services.
The two most common methods of donations are cash gifts and memorials. Unrestricted cash gifts may be used to strengthen the endowment fund or applied where the need is greatest.
Memorials help perpetuate the memory of a loved one, business associate, organization, family member or friend. The living memorial is a constant reminder and symbol of the donor's interest in the health and well-being of his/her neighbors in Powell County.
Donors may designate specifically how their donation is utilized. Donors may choose whether to support a specific program, help purchase a specific piece of equipment or support the Foundation's endowment fund. Only the interest earned on the endowment fund can be used. Supporting the endowment fund allows your donation to continue to give for years into the future.
As a 501(c)3, all donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.
If you have any questions about how you can become involved in promoting quality healthcare in Powell County or for more information on upcoming projects, please contact Kyla Johnson at 406-846-7723 or email
Donations may be sent to:
Powell County Medical Foundation
1100 Hollenback Lane
Deer Lodge, MT 59722